Life is undergoing some changes right now. Good changes. Actually, no: awesome changes.
Last week I finished my job. I was really sorry to leave it as it was better than I ever imagined work could be (even awesome work such as being a vet or a farmer, or owning a bookshop-cum-wholefoods cafe), and there was an uncomfortable (yet also very enjoyable) week of insecurity to follow, while I waited to find out what was to become of me. Anyway, as luck would have it, I'll be back in the office on Monday morning, this time with my foot firmly on the first rung of that all-important ladder - on Monday I will be an Assistant Publisher, finally!
As awesome as this is, and as un-awesome as the insecurity has been, I've had an amazing week of 'time off'. I've cleaned the house from top to bottom, washed every piece of dirty laundry in the basket, baked a perfect loaf of bread, made a batch of my special chutney, experiemented with various bulgur wheat salad recipes, sat in the sun with a glass of ginger beer and a writing pad, ran 12 miles, read loads of my book, bought some new running shoes and, today, went for my first lone bike adventure!
In fact, I was just catching my breath at the top of a hill when I got the phonecall with the good news. I wonder what the lady in HR thought I was doing, answering the phone so breathlessly?!
I set out at 7am this morning, bag packed full of carbs and maps, for a day of cycling in the hills. I went out to Pickering - a lovely market town famous for its steam railway - via Malton and Castle Howard. I stopped on various benches and grassy verges to eat many delicious snacks and drink litres of sugary liquids. I switched on my suspension and headed over fields tractor-style, pretending I was some awesome off-road biker girl (off-road is so much cooler than on-road, I reckon). I shouted out in pain when climbing long hills, and whooped for joy when speeding down the other side, high on the fresh air, the sugar and the new-job euphoria. It was if the world was my own today, shared with a few cows and an absolutely beautiful horse.
I got home and promptly ran a steaming bubble bath, where I soaked for ages while reminiscing about the day. I covered 70 miles - my longest ride yet. In August we will be racing 100 miles; after 50 miles today I couldn't even start to comprehend doing that all again, I was so tired and wind-burnt and achey. The race will not only be longer than today, but there will be killer hill upon killer hill to endure. I did learn something important today, though: when about to give in, drink Lucozade. I never thought I'd touch the stuff, but wow, that orange gloop is powerful!
Must. Buy. Padded. Shorts.