Thursday, 29 October 2009

Culinary Experiments

I recently purchased a very pretty celebration squash from the supermarket, simply because it looked exciting and was cheap. It has been sitting next to my teapots for a little while now, and so I decided to try cooking it up into something delicious!

I only found one recipe for celebration squash on the whole of the world wide web! And so, I decided to improvise with a tasty sounding recipe for butternut squash. The result was delicious, and so I will share it with you all, in case you are similarly tempted by the lovely gourds available on the supermarket shelves!

Fry onion and garlic until soft, then add 100g squash (peeled, in cubes), 1tsp turmeric, 1tsp cinnamon, half tsp ginger, 75g raisins and 270ml stock. Simmer until just tender (about 10 mins for our squash) and add 400g tin of chickpeas. Simmer for a further 5 minutes, then gobble up! We had it with crusty bread, but I bet it'd be nice with cous cous or brown rice too.

Suggested pudding option: ginger parkin and wine, curled up with someone lovely and getting crumbs all over the bed.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing your soup experiment too.
    Hope the sewing is going to plan.
    Lisa x
