Sunday, 28 February 2010

Some Good Karma in the Post

This month I took part in my first ever gift swap! The Good Karma Gift Swap hosted by Kaileen Elise.

The theme was "good karma", involving something to calm, something to comfort, something to inspire creativity and something for a celebration.

I was SUPER excited when I got my package in the post!

My package came all the way from Canada, from Jozen at Lola's Girl :-)

Something to calm...

Tea - including my favourite! Vanilla!

Something to comfort...

Some really scrumptious lip balm for my wind-burned lips!

Something to inspire creativity...

A lovely ball of squiggly wool, which will contribute to my next knitting project as I progress with my How To Knit book!

And something for a celebration...

Some vintage earrings - wonderful!

Thank you Jozen!


  1. what a really great gift!!! :) all so perfectly thoughtful! those earrings look great with your hair (and vintage anything is as you rightfully described it- WONDERFUL!) jozen is just a darling, so of course the goodies she sent were as well.

    i can't wait to post about this swap when my girl gets her stuff :)

  2. yay!! so happy you loved your package. it was great fun :)

  3. what a lovely thoughtful gift.
