Wednesday, 1 September 2010

Inspiration Anyone?

All day long a blog post has been simmering at the back of my mind, and it comes to the evening and I have no inspiration or will to write any more. Today I have done a lot of writing.

I've had stomach ache for 3 days (a chronic problem I've had since I was a teenager, meh), I've got a splitting headache, I just broke my tin opener and had to pop chick peas from the can one-by-one through a tiny hole, and my physical outline is becoming more blob-like by the day - imagine a piece of strong cheddar left out of the fridge for a while and that's probably the right sort of image.

BUT (there's always a 'but', there's always a bit of sunshine somewhere, there's always a silver lining, etc.)

Yesterday I got to do something awesome that I've been wanting to do for AGES!

By my own views on what is super-cool, I am officially super-cool! Yesterday I chatted with the amazing Steve Lamacq on BBC 6Music!!! This might mean nothing to anyone but me (and Daniel - a shared love for both Steve Lamacq and 6Music is what got us chatting for the first time!) but basically, AWESOME. Steve is an authority on all things indie; he used to write for NME and now presents many an amazing music show on TV/radio.

Check it out here - scoot forward 49 minutes to hear my musical history, followed by a really amazing song (I put so much thought into this song choice, seriously).

I might be absent for a while. My life has been completely and utterly taken over: one week until Hand In!


  1. Hey! Well done - I enjoyed listening to it and you sounded exactly how I thought you would do! Not familiar with your 'good day' band at all - so that was good to hear something new.

    Good look with the rest of the dissertation - not long now, hang in there - see you after you surface!

  2. Woah! That is super-cool! I adore Steve Lamacq. I used to listen to the Evening Session obsessivly at university when he presented it. Come to think of it I still listen to the Evening Session obsessively as I have a secret crush on Zane Lowe ;)

    Enjoy this last week of writing.

  3. Oooohh es ist so schön, dich mal wieder zu hören :-)

  4. wahey, you two sound like old muso friends having a natter.
    How lovely to have potentially inspired a new section on future shows with your competition win.
    Hope you're ok after falling off your bike.

  5. How exciting! I love 6music and Steve Lamacq - you are definitely super-cool!
