Friday, 1 October 2010


It's October, I can't believe it.

I decided to do a quick update; I want to let you know that, though I'm being very quiet right now, I am reading your blogs and I am missing regular posting! I get such limited time online that I have no time to comment, but that doesn't mean I'm not here!

We're getting a phone line today, which should mean an internet connection in no more than 10 days...fingers crossed!

I don't recognise my current life from the life I was living three weeks ago. University seems like a distant dream; time itself seems like a distant dream. I feel as if I'm rushing between one work-related task to another: tired, groggy, constantly hungry. I literally cannot catch my breath, and it's tough.

Inspired by Rachel's latest post, I am setting myself some intentions for this month. The past few months have been so intense, so work or study-related, and now I need some down time.

In October I aspire to:

- Be a bit more selfish: I want to reserve the weekends completely for myself, for recuperation and regeneration

- Get my pulse racing. I need to run! I need to feel fresh air in my lungs! I can feel muscle withering away beneath my skin; my body doesn't look so great but it feels much worse - how do people cope without regular exercise?!

- Spend a long relaxing weekend with my Mum.

- Turn household chores into less of a chore; spend less time bothering about things which don't need bothering about.

- Wrap up, feel cosy, pamper myself as a matter of habit and not force.

- Make plans; plans for seeing friends, plans for celebration, plans for the coming months. Commit myself to having some fun!


  1. Eek, work life balance is such a conundrum! It took me over a decade to even realise I needed one so I take my hat off to you for your October intentions! Good luck and have a great October <3

  2. Hello you! I hope things calm down for you and you get to do all the things you would like this month.Except housework,no-one really likes that do they?!
    Lisa x

  3. Hey hey!
    Montag fahre ich in die Türkei... Ich bin aufgeregt. Ich würde mich freuen, wenn wir mal telefonieren könnten, wenn ich wieder da bin. Warum machen wir das eigentlich nie?
    Anyway, erhol dich ein bisschen und wir hören uns hoffentlich bald!
    Liebe Grüße,
