Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Advent Teabag Thoughts - Thank you

Advent - the time for waiting and preparing. This is one of those seasons built for religion that can be appreciated and recognized by the religious and non-religious alike; for this reason I enjoy Advent for all the right reasons, as oppose to Easter, which I enjoy only for the 4-day holiday and annual easter egg hunt!

Waiting is something that I do a lot of these days, with regard to public transport, at least. However, when it comes to waiting as a matter of reflection and patience, rather than a matter of circumstance, I think many people are lacking in the ability to sit quietly and do nothing. We needn't wait for much at all these days; instant information at the touch of a button, instant meals with the bleep of the microwave, instant coffee, 'instant' weightloss, super-speed broadband and downloadable music - we have everything at our fingertips!

One thing I am good at is sitting quietly and doing nothing, though I probably don't do enough of it. I went to a Quaker school, and used to love the silent periods of reflection that we were granted each day. Now I sit quietly on the train - no music and usually no book - and reflect, waiting patiently for the journey to end, in no hurry to reach my destination. I feel quite hypocritical that this is the only time I take for reflection these days - it's not exactly my number one thing to be doing before 7am!

So, onto the matter at hand - Advent! This year I have a wonderful calendar made up of different teabags; a German delight brought back for me from a tea-devoted friend (I also got a crocheted tea cosy, to fit with the theme). Many of the teas are named along the theme of Christmas or goodwill, and so I thought it'd be fun to share my teas, and my associated thoughts, as we enjoy the waiting and preparing. Preparing I will certainly be doing plenty of, but waiting and thinking probably less so, especially at this busy time of year. A daily cup of tea and some quiet reflection may be just the thing!

Thank you tea: An appropriate tea for today! Today I am thankful that I don't have to choose between heating and eating, that I am working for a company who allow me to be at home when the snow is knee-deep, that I live with a man who will trudge out to buy bread and leave me cosy in my pyjamas. And that I have a friend who will crochet a tea cosy for me!


  1. I love that tea advent calendar! I wonder if you can get it here in the UK...

  2. What a fabulous present.
    Hope you enjoy working your way through the days of different teas.
    Keep warm and snuggly.
    Lisa x

  3. where did you get the advent teabags from? I think it's a wonderful idea and would love to get some...would have to play catch up a bit! love the blog - best wishes Andrea

  4. Doh!After re-reading your blog and in my haste to comment I realise the teabags are from Germany - oh well :( but lovely idea and I am jealous! A
