Sunday, 12 June 2011

Moments, X.

The past few weekends have been so busy, so full-on. I feel as if I've rushed through them from one high to another, without much time to sit and enjoy the surrounding moment. I've been happy to get back to a slower pace this weekend, and long may it continue (ha!).

A surprise bunch of flowers on a Friday evening, and a plate of delicious vegan spaghetti,
Waking up to find my five-day migraine had dissappeared, early-morning sunshine and an exciting day ahead,
Rousing a deer as we sped through the countryside, passing fields of peas and green barley,
Picnicking on a rickety bench at Bylands Abbey, munching peanut butter sandwiches in the sunshine,
Hot tomato soup after the hardest bike ride, thanking our bodies for all the hard work,
Buttoning up my favourite dress ready for a delicious meal; feeling quite glamorous in make-up and high shoes,
Sticky toffee pudding and ice cream; savouring every delicious drop of toffee sauce,
Waking up to Sunday morning sunshine, breakfasting in the garden with fresh bread and clover honey,
Caught in a rainstorm in my sandals - wet toes and that delicious smell of summer rain,
Hiding from the rain in my apron, baking batches of biscuits for the week ahead,
Struggling through my first yoga session in too long; setting good intentions for the next few weeks

1 comment:

  1. Lucky you having breakfast outside, our day looked much more like the last picture from start to finish!
    Hope the week is a good one and is ache free.
    Lisa x
