Wednesday, 1 February 2012


January has come and gone, and what a January it has been! This year has been pretty massive so far - massively exciting in places, and massively difficult in others. It's also been massively windy and rainy, here in our hideout just East of the Pennines.

In the last 31 days things have changed like I never would have believed - two things in particular are really keeping me up in the air right now (more on that soon, I'm sure), and I've found that my mantra for the year - to make it awesome, that is - is really giving me a boost when times are just too tough.

In fact, I've already learned an important lesson from this; that unhappiness is an opportunity to change, and sometimes the darkest days are what it takes to make things better. There have been some dark days this January, but without them we wouldn't be considering the things we are considering now, or making the exciting plans that we are making.

So; 2012 so far has been a really positive one. I've made some positive personal changes, and realized some things about myself that are driving me forwards into a future I wasn't sure about only a month or so ago. I feel more considerate towards myself, and am enjoying sitting and relaxing in bed with a book on regular occasions. I have flossed almost every day, my yoga practise is getting deeper and more meaningful (we did meditation in last week's class, which was amazing), and I am writing in my diary a few times a week, to the detriment of my blog, but I'm ok with that.

January led me to decide what needed changing, and to make some baby steps towards those changes; now I want to make sure that the changes are established and nurtured throughout February. Hopefully the days will get longer and warmer soon, and the world will feel a little fresher and a little less grey, but until then I am happy to cosy up in our flat with Daniel, reading like crazy, writing down thoughts rather unartistically in my diary, and enjoying yoga, running and flute lessons as pendulums in my week.

In February I intend to get earlier nights and earlier mornings, spend more time enjoying my breakfast and less time worrying about getting to work early, and start to focus on one thing at a time. I find myself doing a whole collection of things in one go (tonight I cooked tea, checked my emails, made tomorrow's lunch and wrote part of this blog post all at the same time); I want to focus my energy on one thing at a time, whether that be washing tomatoes, sending a quick hello to an old tutor, or spending time with Daniel, catching up on our days. Things always seem blurry when I don't focus my attention fully towards one task, and it makes me edgy and uncomfortable.

So there we have it. A simple, good February, with plenty of quiet time and plenty of focus. Normally I dislike this blueish-grey month, and wish it gone before it's even here, but what a negative way to look at it that is. We have been blessed with an extra day in 2012, and that's one extra day to direct life onto a fresh course; one extra day to make the year something special.

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like January has laid the foundation for the year ahead. I hope February will be a good month for you.
    I agree about focusing on one thing at a time - sometimes I make a cup of tea, then start doing something else and forget about the tea, and then it has gone cold, and it goes against the whole ritual of tea-making. I am working on being more mindful.
