Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Awesome 2012: Saying YES!

It turns out that 2012 so far really is an awesome year. It hasn't come for free, that's for sure, but actually things seem to be going my way right now, and I couldn't be happier.

I have three really awesome things to share. But I'll start with the most joyous thing - the thing that has taken the least amount of tears and wakeful nights...

In some circumstances, a simple word such as 'yes' can be life-changing. As it was for me, last Sunday in York. I was whisked away for a night in a boutique hotel, and after a few drinks in the sunny garden of a favourite pub, we went for a stroll on the city walls in the late afternoon sunshine. I turned away for a minute, and when I turned back I was presented with a life-changing decision and a beautiful diamond ring. I said yes, both to the new life and to the diamond, and it couldn't have felt more natural or more perfect.We didn't stop grinning or giggling for the next 24 hours, and planned our lives over wine and amazing food at my favourite restaurant.

I can't even describe the joy that is present all around me at the moment. I feel as if I've transcended to a new level of myself, like I know more now than I did previously. Friends and family are getting in touch from all corners of the earth, and being able to share this delight and love with them has been the best thing I have known. Everyone and everything is coming together, and our relationship is growing taller and more robust around it all. For me, this engagement isn't about two people. The two people were always all about each other, and real commitment does not need diamonds or gold. For me, this is about the community that we exist in together; a community that we share, and which shares us, and that we can grow together in as a couple.

And I am loving planning an amazing party for everyone that I love!


  1. Oh my! I am beyond excited for you both! What wonderful, wonderful news. Many congratulations, enjoy the party!!
    Lisa x

  2. Oh honey, what awesome news!! Many, many congratulations to you and your fiance :) xxx

  3. Oh, that is so exciting! I am so happy for you - congratulations! And I love the way you wrote about it xx

  4. Wow oh wow oh wow - congratulations both!!! ;-) ;-) ;-)

    I have a huge smile on my face just for you...sending you wishes for a lifetime of happiness together ;-)

    A xxx
