Now I have a long, indulgent activity for my afternoon; picking all the most important and exciting ins and outs of the past 5 years and putting them into letter form, for a friend living by the sea in Northern Scotland to open in 2 days time. When I get a letter from a friend, I like to prop it up by my fruit bowl and let it tease me for a while first. Then, when I have a good couple of hours to spare reading it and replying, I make myself a mug of tea, sit somewhere comfy, and enjoy the whole process; from opening the envelope, to re-reading it and replying. I need more letter paper!
The letter also prompted me to get in touch with 2 other friends who are often on my mind but who I haven't spoken to in too long. I am adamant that I won't loose touch with these important people.
I haven't updated in a while. Mainly because I've been DOING as oppose to THINKING. I bought a sumptious dictionary-theasaurus set, so now I can look up words whenever I please:
Sesquipedalian - adj. polysyllabic, long-winded. Origin: C17 from Latin 'sesquipedalis' - 'a foot and a half long'.
There you go!
So that was a sunny day, so I took Dr Johnson to the pub and we got drunk in the sun until Nick and John came along to help. We then ate luscious luscious honeycomb ice cream in Minster Gardens. I don't like ice cream usually, but this was truly amazing, in a Bridget Jones sort of way.
I also made a scrummy spiced carrot soup. I love making soup. I love raiding my cupboards for inspiration, chopping the veg into even chunks, and then stirring a pan for half an hour or so, until I can be bothered to squish it up into a soupy consistancy. And the lovely lathargic way you can eat it, slurpy and noisy, with soggy bread and too much salt. Perfect Sunday supper!
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