Friday, 4 September 2009

Rainy Friday Blues

The weather has been abysmal for what feels like weeks now. Until about an hour ago I didn't mind - autumn is coming and you can feel it in the air, the rain and wind just add to the excitement, sweeping leaves off the trees and causing you to apply full autumn attire before leaving the house. I love autumn; it is, by a long way, my favourite season. I love the colours, the fruits, the weather, the freshness, the cosy feeling, dark mornings and dark nights. This morning I went for a delicious run, straight into the weather. The rain is so cooling that jogging isn't necessary, and I had a great sprint through Walmgate Stray, the cows a lovely orangey contrast against the green, the wind bustling me along in its path.

After lunch the wind was howling around my flat, rattling the ventilators and lashing the windows, and I could hear the rain outside - I really had no will to go out, but Post Office duty called. Town is horrid in umbrella season (is this an official title for this time of year, or have I stolen it off Adam? Either way, I like it (and if you could send me a copy of the poem, Adam, I would be grateful!)), everyone knocking everyone else - I become what I hate: an ignorant pedestrian! But actually, I got that mushy, warm feeling that only comes with silvery wet pavements and an unusual lure towards frothy Starbucks warmth, and I had quite an enjoyable mosey through town. The flower markets looked fantastically vibrant, I was tempted by the sunflowers but just about managed to resist, likewise the marzipan pears and harvesty cakes in the Bettys window, and good deals on exotic wines in Evil Eye. I didn't resist the jewellry sale in Shared Earth, however, and I returned home with a lovely set of wooden beaded earrings and a wooden bead necklace :-)

After some research into my article topic, I realise that it is NOT by any means what Women's Committee is looking for, and in fact Women's Committee isn't what I thought it was. This fuels my writing further, and what was an attempt at an objective view towards feminism is now an angry 'third-wave feminist' rant, which I doubt will be published, but which I will submit in any case. It turns out that WomCom is in fact the sexist, one-sided organisation that I was attempting to prove it wasn't - who would have thought?! It gives me some great ideas though.

This afternoon calls for reading into linguistics with a dive back into the world of the Piraha Amazon. I can't wait to start, I'm impatient and itching for more knowledge. I'm also cooking healthy grub for Daniel and myself tonight - brown rice and butterbean stir fry. Now I'm in training for a half marathon I need to pay serious attention to what I eat - no more nimbly salads and no cheesy stodge or sugary highs! Not exactly a problem when the closest I got to a sweet as a child was a raisin ;-)


  1. heehee credit when credit's due! Aw thanks!

    Blueseam's been revamped lately so there may be a couple of things on there you haven't seen before. Though also some very old stuff like Nuns, which is different to how it would be were I to go about writing it now!

    Also, I saw you walking back from town, from the lazy comfort of the bus. If it is indeed umbrella season then I hope they all look like yours! So dinky!

  2. P.S. for clarity: not all of the stories are mine! Some are Joe's and some are Alis'! Try to guess which ones!

    And: lets watch Lynch sometime now things are growing darker!
