And I mean, all of it - shears were involved!
Until very very recently, I absolutely loved having such long hair. I loved having it down, plaited, pony tailed, scrunched up, anything! It felt like my trade mark and I was really proud of it. But very suddenly, this all changed.
I stop finding it feminine, instead I felt like a little girl. I stopped feeling creative with it, instead I felt like it was lank and old and uncreative.
In little over a week I went from loving it to having it chopped off. I love making rash decisions like this! I love the risk, the excitement, the whim! I know that a few people (maybe a lot of people) don't like it. I know I look like a completely different person without my hair. But I don't care; I couldn't care less what other people think, and if what I do makes them talk, then all the better!
I don't feel like a new person, but I do feel that I have been reignited - suddenly I feel full of life again, everything has changed with such a minor adjustment, and I can experiment a bit with who I am and what I do. Fun stuff! And just in time for a new degree, with new people and a new lifestyle. Everything around me is changing and I can't resist changing with it!
I'm not putting photos up on here just yet. I hate 'fake' photos of myself, I can't look natural unnaturally, so you must wait until I have photos of me in the real world! Until then, think Annie Lennox.
Tomorrow, 6am, we head off to Ilkley to start out Dales Way adventure! So no updates for over a week, and then there will be no doubt a lot to say! Tonight we are going to Fibbers to see Fanfarlo and First Aid Kit supporting a band I've never heard of - can't wait!!
Here is a sneak peek of my scarf - not long til completion!!
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